Friday, April 3, 2020

Week 3 - First Grade

Week 3 Bellwork:

There will not be any additional projects this week, other than Tuesday/Thursday daily drawing (bell work). 

Catch up on your project from last week if you need to -- add more details -- and please, send a picture of your artwork so that I can post on my blog.
(I will still post pics of your work to my blog even after we switch over to Google Classroom).

Please use the heavy weight paper in your sketchbook or the inside panel of a cereal box for your drawing.

- Sending Hugs and Love, Mrs. Northway 

You may not have time to draw bellwork this week. 


at the very minimum, I would like for you to do your one minute of SILENT LOOKING on BOTH Tuesday and Thursday--PLEASE :)

Tuesday Bellwork Image Address: 
1963.12 dufy.jpg

“Golfe Juan” (1927) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953

Moving forward, I am only choosing images for bellwork that are in the collections of either the San Antonio Museum of Art or The McNay Museum in San Antonio.

Thursday Bellwork Image Address: 

“Peacock” (1910) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953 

Week 3 - Second Grade

Week 3 Bellwork:

 Please, send a picture of your artwork from last week, so that I can post on my blog.
(I will still post pics of your work to my blog even after we switch over to Google Classroom).

Please use the heavy weight paper in your sketchbook or the inside panel of a cereal box for your bellwork drawing.

- Sending Hugs and Love, Mrs. Northway 

You may not have time to draw bellwork this week. 


at the very minimum, I would like for you to do your one minute of SILENT LOOKING on BOTH Tuesday and Thursday--PLEASE :)

1963.12 dufy.jpg

“Golfe Juan” (1927) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953

Moving forward, I am only choosing images for bellwork that are in the collections of either the San Antonio Museum of Art or The McNay Museum in San Antonio.


“Peacock” (1910) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953 

  Week 3 Project:

"Ant in a Floral Wreath" by Maria Sybylla Merian

Art Scholars will be INSPIRED and INFLUENCED by Ms. Sibylla Merian's work.... not creating an exact copy. 


I will ask that you follow along with me in the directions below, to copy the basic structure (COMPOSITION) of this illustration.  This image is taken from her book, The Caterpillar Book.

Slides and Video Directions for Week 3 Project:
Step by Step Directions.....coming soon to a computer near you........

Week 3 - Kindergarten

Week 3 Bellwork: 

There will not be any additional projects this week, other than Tuesday/Thursday daily drawing (bell work). 

Catch up on your project from last week if you need to -- add more details -- and please, send a picture of your artwork so that I can post on my blog.
(I will still post pics of your work to my blog even after we switch over to Google Classroom).

Please use the heavy weight paper in your sketchbook or the inside panel of a cereal box for your drawing.

- Sending Hugs and Love, Mrs. Northway 

You may not have time to draw bellwork this week. 


at the very minimum, I would like for you to do your one minute of SILENT LOOKING on BOTH Tuesday and Thursday--PLEASE :)

Tuesday Bellwork Image Address: 
1963.12 dufy.jpg

“Golfe Juan” (1927) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953

Moving forward, I am only choosing images for bellwork that are in the collections of either the San Antonio Museum of Art or The McNay Museum in San Antonio.

Thursday Bellwork Image Address: 

“Peacock” (1910) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953 

Week 3 - Third Grade

Week 3 Bellwork:

Please, send a picture of your artwork from last week, so that I can post on my blog. 

If you were able to purchase the drafting film for the rose window and finished coloring in with colored pencils, I'd love to see a pic of this taped to you window at home.
Even if you finish this summer......I'd like to see the end result!
(I will still post pics of your work to my blog even after we switch over to Google Classroom).

Please use a heavy weight paper such as watercolor or mixed media paper....or the inside panel of a cereal box for your bellwork drawing.

- Sending Hugs and Love, Mrs. Northway 

You may not have time to draw bellwork this week. 


at the very minimum, I would like for you to do your one minute of SILENT LOOKING on BOTH Tuesday and Thursday--PLEASE :)

Tuesday Bellwork Image Address: 
1963.12 dufy.jpg

“Golfe Juan” (1927) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953

Moving forward, I am only choosing images for bellwork that are in the collections of either the San Antonio Museum of Art or The McNay Museum in San Antonio.

Thursday Bellwork Image Address: 

“Peacock” (1910) - Artist: Raoul Dufy, French, 1877-1953 

Week 3 Project: 


Wk 10 VIDEO Link As we all have been spending much more time at home, you may have also spent a little more time organizing your living sp...